The UHD+ Series is the ultimate version of
the UNIVERSAL Series designed more than 5 years ago. It has most of the features of PRO and INDUS Series.The UHD+ Series price/quality ratio is excellent. As a result of our continuous improvements, due to the feedback and follow-up with our customers, this new series of systems actually offers higher accuracy and performance so that you might satisfy all your customers’ requests and needs.On the basis of the Universal Series, the UHD+ has the ability to work with up to six (6) wires and Independent wire Axis mode included (each end of the wire can have an independent route), also the UHD+ series has been improved for more strength, accuracy and ergonomics: – Reinforced aluminium profiles |
4 4 10128 cm (50″)128 cm
(50″)305 cm (120″)10 4 4301 cm (118″)128 cm (50″)128 cm
(50″)10 4 10301 cm
(118″)128 cm (50″)305 cm (120″)(1) horizontal movement
(2) vertical movement
(3) cutting wire(s) length